Our mission at AUTOMOBILITY-X is to develop and market products, which ensures that everyone can travel in safety Our mission at AUTOMOBILITY-X is to develop and market products, which ensures that everyone can travel in safety Our mission at AUTOMOBILITY-X is to develop and market products, which ensures that everyone can travel in safety Our mission at AUTOMOBILITY-X is to develop and market products, which ensures that everyone can travel in safety Our mission at AUTOMOBILITY-X is to develop and market products, which ensures that everyone can travel in safety Our mission at AUTOMOBILITY-X is to develop and market products, which ensures that everyone can travel in safety


We have NOT and will NOT test our X_SAFE wheelchair restraint systems with a surrogate wheelchair heavier than 85kg as specified in the ISO 10542……

BECAUSE…………..in similar ways, as we in the automotive industry test wheelchair and occupant restraints systems according to ISO 10542, the wheelchair manufactures have an identical standard for testing the wheelchairs: ISO-7176-19.

Is it wise to test restraint systems with a120kg surrogate wheelchair, instead of an 85kg surrogate wheelchair, when the wheelchairs are designed to be secured with retractors, designed to secure an 85kg wheelchair – and energy absorption accordingly?

In similar ways – you do not test 220v products with 380v!

Keep in mind, that the weight of the wheelchair is only one of many more parameters in this BENCHMARK TEST